I'm Giorgos (/ɡi.ɔ̌ːr.ɡ.os/),

a Full-Stack Web Developer based in Heraklion of Crete.

Personal Projects

A browser window which contains the home page of the app. This part is a list of job ads and their details, as well as several tools (filters etc.) to support their management.
Pirate Thief app

A web app to showcase, in a more intuitive way, the list of jobs that are available from Startup-Pirate guy.

  • Logo of tool Nuxt.js
  • Logo of tool Tailwind CSS
  • Logo of tool TypeScript
  • Logo of tool Vite
  • Logo of tool Vue.js
A browser window which contains the home page of the app. This part is a list of real estate assets with pictures and details, as well as several tools (filters etc.) to support their management.
Brokery app

A web app to support real estate agents and brokers to manage their portfolios of property assets.

  • Logo of tool Nuxt.js
  • Logo of tool Pinia
  • Logo of tool TypeScript
  • Logo of tool Vite
  • Logo of tool Vue.js
  • Logo of tool Vuetify
A browser window which contains a part of the desktop app. This part is the list of visual charts which indicate the progress of health data across the time.
PAGNI health exams aggregator Desktop app

Desktop app which aims to support patients to track the progress of their blood tests' data across time in an intuitive and usable way.

  • Logo of tool Electron
  • Logo of tool TypeScript
  • Logo of tool Vite
  • Logo of tool Vue.js
  • Logo of tool Vuetify
Hacker News Proxy API

Implementation of a small proxy for the Hacker-News service. This proxy service offers an API to retrieve and manage list of stories from the hacker news storage.

  • Logo of tool Express
  • Logo of tool MongoDB
  • Logo of tool Node.js
  • Logo of tool OpenAPI 3
  • Logo of tool TypeScript
A browser window which contains a part of the website of the course cs352. This part is the the logo, navigation bar and some basic info of the course.
Website for course cs-352

Static website for the course cs352 (year 2017-2018) in Computer Science department at UOC. It was serving the content (lectures, tutorials, assignments and course project) of the course to the students.

  • Logo of tool Bootstrap
  • Logo of tool JavaScript
A browser window which contains a subset of the documented API endpoints about Artists, Recordings, etc. of the music app.
Simple music app API

The backend side of a music app in which albums, artists and tracks are associated properly.

  • Logo of tool Express
  • Logo of tool Node.js
  • Logo of tool OpenAPI 3
  • Logo of tool PostgreSQL
  • Logo of tool TypeScript

Tool used for app previews/mockups is Shots ❤️